An Unforgettable Experience… Thank You D-5!

November 3, 2010

This has been an amazing experience. As a first time candidate, I walk away  from it both proud and empowered. Over 10,000 residents from D-5 voted in this midterm election and at the end of Election Day, we were 93 votes away from a run off with the victor.  With only 1/5 of the budget and over 100 (unpaid) volunteers, we ran  a strong, honest campaign without jeopardizing our integrity.  We rose above the expectations of many and are very proud of our accomplishments.

When I started  this journey with just a few dedicated friends, we whole heartedly believed that district 5 deserved strong, competent leadership. We understood that we were running against the “so-called fix,” that included more money and the backing of special interest with the ability to hire experienced consultants and to buy support. None of that deterred us or made us feel any differently about being victorious.  So with our faith and committed team, we moved the D-5 Express forward and everyday additional volunteers and agents for change came on board.  We garnered monetary support from all over the county, people who believed in me as a reputable leader and that our collective community deserved better representation.

Our small but fantastic team knocked on over 2000 doors and our dynamic team of phone bankers, spoke to nearly 2000 residents. These residents, who openly desired change, motivated us to keep moving forward.  And although we did not prevail in the absentee ballot race,  we “kicked-ass” on the ground on election day and motivated both discontent and undecided voters to vote for Austin.

Even with minimal name recognition and less resources, we secured 30% of the vote which in my heart is 100% success. And so, we feel victorious in our effort. Our victory gives the community of District 5 power, and represents a significant block of constituents who are a force to be reckoned with. And you can rest assure that we will continue to be present and representing the people, so that decisions made at city hall will be representative of the people.

I am extremely proud of our team, appreciative of our volunteers and thankful to those residents who used their vote as their voice to seek change. From the very beginning, my family and  friends, both old and new, who believe in good government have been incredible. We’ve spent countless hours brainstorming, strategizing, calling, walking, recruiting, and fundraising for this campaign.  I give thanks to this amazing group of people. Too many to name but all who added their own piece to this puzzle. Know that it is with gratitude that I graciously and humbly thank you for the love and hard work on this journey.

I am humbled by this entire experience.  Words can’t completely express how I feel about those who worked with us and those who voted for me.  I am inspired to continue to reach out and speak out for what is right for our community.  Peace & Prayers. I love you all.

Alison Austin, The peoples candidate

Miami Herald Recommends…

That’s right! Today, the Miami Herald chose me as their recommendation for City of Miami Commissioner District 5.

What a great honor it is to have been chosen by one of the most prestigious newspapers in the United States as the candidate whom they believe will best represent the people of District 5. I couldn’t be more appreciative and even more excited for the next two weeks.

Team Austin is more pumped than ever and we are ready to fight for the people of District 5!

Early voting started today so whether your voting today, tomorrow, or on November 2, Vote for the one candidate who will stand up for the people. Vote for change. Vote for Alison Austin!

Thank you to the Miami Herald for believing in me!

Read more: Miami Herald Recommends: OUR OPINION: For Miami City Commission District 5

Early Voting Begins Today

Miami-Dade County voting department welcomed early voters today. With 20 ealry voting sites in the county, registered voters have the option to head out today through October 31 to cast their vote.

It’s you’re right as an American Citizen to speak through your ballot and elect the candidate that is right for your community. I am more than prepared to be that candidate and whether you’re voting early or voting on November 2, look for punch number 155 and vote for me, Alison Austin, for City of Miami Commissioner District 5.

Monday through Friday, early voting will be from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sundays will be 1 to 5 p.m. Next week (M-F), early voting polls will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

For more information on early voting sites, visit

Team Austin Hits the Phones

Since I began the journey on the D5 Express to City Hall, one of my main tasks have been to hit the phones. Dialing numbers of people who want to see a change in the City of Miami and every now and then reaching those who have decided to give their support elsewhere. Daily, I make these phone calls to talk with people about my plan. Speak to them so they are aware of the reasons why I am the best candidate for the City of Miami Commission District 5.

Last week, one of the members of Team Austin came to me with the idea of a Phone Bank. He suggested that 25 people spending between 1 and 3 hours making phone calls with me, will increase engagement substantially. Well, that time has come and tonight will be the largest Team Austin Phone Bank to-date hopefully sparking the opportunity to conduct others.

If you have just a small amount of time, come out and join us tonight! We will be making calls from the campaign office(935 NW 62nd St.) 5PM to 9PM.

RSVP on Facebook:

City of Miami Budget Woes

The City of Miami must develop plans to address its budget short fall over the long haul. They need to ask the question—- where will this City be 5-years from today? But more, importantly, what is the strategy to address the 2011-12 budget short falls. And, based on all indicators of recovery from this—the “Great Recession” there most certainly will be a 2011-12 budget shortfall.

Recognizing that the City’s current budget deficit is the combination of mismanagement decisions made in the 1980s and the current economic meltdown, the City should begin the process of developing long-term budget strategies. Also, one wonders if this year’s budget predicated on the outcomes of pending lawsuits and legal opinions is a wise and begs the question: Is there a back-up budget if the courts agree with the unions and/or the long awaited legal opinion regarding the CRA’s funds? NO and CRA funds cannot be used to plug the hole in the 2010-11 budget.

I’d love to hear from you! Do you have any ideas that may help the City of Miami develop a long-term and/or a back up budget plan?

Thank You for Your Continued Support!

The successful implementation of an event is a feeling like no other. You spend so much time planning and when that night finally comes and turns out to be just as fantastic as you expected, its truly amazing. After Tuesday’s campaign kickoff event, I am even more confident than before. Yes! I do have the support of so many who believe in me. Yes! I am going to run this race and yes, WE will win!

I want to thank all of you who fought the tropical storm to be at Grand Central with me on this special night. Thank you to my team for working so hard to put the event together. Thank you to Grand Central for the beautiful venue. Thank you Suenalo and Jet Brown for rocking the house! Thank you Larry Dog for making the crowd laugh and Angie B for hosting! Special thanks to all of my supporters who spoke on my behalf and had such inspiring words!

We are now 5 weeks away from the campaign and this event was a great way to kickoff an exciting journey to City Hall. So today I ask you all to join me. Jump on board the D5 Express to City Hall. We’re going to get this train moving and we need your help!

Volunteer. Donate. There is so much to do in the coming weeks and I know I cannot do it alone.We are in this together and I appreciate each and everyone of you!

Thank you for your continued support and love!

Austin Gives Powerful Speech at Campaign Kickoff Urging Attendees to “Take Back City Hall!”

Candidate Alison Austin speech to over 200 attendees at the Campaign Kickoff Event on Tuesday, September 28, 2010

“Good Evening:

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy lives to join me here tonight.

For those of you who do not know, I am seeking the District 5, City of Miami Commission seat vacated by former Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones.  And, I need your support to Win.  I cannot win this race without you…………….. I need the help/support of everyone in this room.

My opponent, Richard Dunn was appointed, and agreed not to run for the seat as a condition of that appointment.  As you know, he changed his mind.   Well, I guess he has the right to change his mind. (Smile).

But, I think It’s time for  a change.

I’m Alison Austin and I am running for Commissioner of D5 because we need leaders who are not Lead.   We should have confidence that we can trust that our leaders will keep their word.  We all know that it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks and a leopard doesn’t change its spots.

Again, for my new friends, those of you…… whom I met for the first time tonight.  Let me take a few minutes to share a little about myself.   All of my adult life I have been a champion of the people.

From my early days organizing programs at school to my  work in Latin America and the Caribbean for United Nations  as a community organizer.  First with farmers, then youth and in the promotion of community based tourism.  I returned home to find a very different Miami than the one I left.  There was a growing boom all around us  and complete neglect in others.

I currently serve as the CEO of the Belafonte TACOLCY Center in the heart of Liberty City.  Everyday, I work with children, woman, single mothers who are trying to find a way, resources to help themselves and their families.  Feelings like no one is listening.

As Commissioner, I pledge to make the voice of the people heard throughout City Hall………. and that I will use all the City’s Resources to improve the quality of life of its residents, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, culture or economic status.   District 5 Commission office will be open to all………………….. not just the well healed political insiders, but,  this…….City government created by the people, for the people, shall be inclusive of the people,

People need jobs…our City invested in a Stadium with the promise of jobs…have you seen the jobs?  My concern is that special interest is running City Hall.

The CRA was put in place to improve communities laden with slum and blight. Someone has to ask…have you been through Overtown lately, where has the money gone?  Money to help these communities is being redirected to special projects and this is not ok.

Why am I asking you to help me on the Campaign?

Because I will fight for what’s right.  I will fight to give people a voice, because  I am the people, I am the people’s Candidate.  I am not owned and I do not owe. Not only am I the Candidate to bring change and balance, I am a bridge candidate who happens to be a woman.  60% of our District are female.  We need a female voice and perspective on the dais. Currently, there are only five guys and to me that doesn’t seem very representative of our community.

My opponent has secured $90K of special interest money.  They are hoping to control his voice and buy your vote.  So far we have much less than that. Your vote is your Voice.  This maybe a David and Goliath story, but we all know how that ends.

I understand that for years, District 5 has been plague by multiple social and economic problems that demand immediate attention.  I do not profess to have all the answers, most of these problems are varied and complex with no simple solutions.   Slow economic growth has impacted the entire district, however, the lack of economic development opportunities is germaine to the District’s urban core.

Crime and violence is a countywide problem, affecting areas like Kendell and the District’s urban core alike………… and the high rate of unemployment is a countywide problem, however, unemployment in urban core neighborhoods is triple that of any area in the county.

These are major problems that must be addressed.  And I have developed a plan to address them.   However, these are complex issues with no single or simple solution.   The imposed curfew is an example of a band-aid solution to a complex problem.  A curfew on largely African American and Latino youth exacerbates the School to Prison pipeline.

While I have developed a plan that will speak too many of these pressing concerns…….it not a panacea….. but, rather, a great first step.

Together we can make a difference.

I know  for many of you, I am speaking to the choir.   But, here lately, the City Commission has forgotten that they serve at the pleasure of the people and that Miami is a city in America —-governed by a constitution and a body of laws.

Why are we going to win?  Because together we will take back City Hall, with the village voice as the choir.  This is a grassroots campaign.  I need your help and support to win.  I need everyone here to call, text, tweet, shout it, but tell somebody, everybody  to get on the D5 Express headed to City Hall, where we the people will have power over the decisions that impacts our community.

Again thank you for braving the rain and coming out to support me Alison Austin Touch #155.”

Campaign Kickoff Party Tonight !

The Campaign Kickoff Party to Elect Alison Austin is TONIGHT!

Live Music! Spoken Word! Cocktails! A good time! Come Out and Party with a Purpose! 6-9PM! Grand Central: 697 N. Miami Ave!


  • Sue’nalo!
  • Jet Brown!
  • Hosted by Angie B!
  • Street Poet, Lionel Lighbourne!

Community Leaders:

  • Bess McElroy, Dade Democratic Party
  • Marlein Bastien, CEO FAMN Hatian Women’s Organization
  • Suzette Frazier, Florida Childrens Movement

We Walk, We Meet, We Understand, We Fight for You!

On Sunday, we had a powerful walk in Precinct 517.

What made this walk special was the fact that I had more volunteers than ever! We divided into small groups to go door-to-door all throughout District 5. It was truly a Team Austin Battalion out there! However, this walk also served as a reality check. Reality in District 5. The same reality that has motivated me to stay involved in my community.

We experienced neighborhoods of wonderful residents! Vibrant people who greeted us with love but these people also live in the harshest of conditions. Our team took the route around NE 53rd Street and 3rd Ave. The residents in this area are living in despair.

We found countless homes abandoned because many people have just given up and left their neighborhood. The people who have stayed, live in fear. From their voices, I heard of the high crime rates in their area. Drug trafficking, prostitution and an abundance of trash dumped on their streets. In the front of their homes.

These residents moved me. They motivated me to fight even harder to win this race. Not for me, but for them. So that I can speak up for them in City Hall. If I don’t then who will? Who has?

Help me to win this race for our community. Volunteer with us! Donate to the campaign! Whatever you do, don’t give up on your community… Vote for the candidate who will fight for all people in this district. Visit my website to volunteer, donate or learn more about why I am the best candidate for Commissioner of District 5.

Check out pictures and videos of the team as we walk District 5 on Sunday!

Recognizing The Importance of Unions!

The City of Miami Unions have voiced their dissatisfaction with the City’s new budget in no uncertain terms and the city’s disgruntled employees have filed lawsuits. All over the country, unions are fighting municipal budget cuts. And, surprisingly, today, unions are fighting for their very survival. This is surprising, because, workers are still losing benefits in salaried positions across this nation. So, why is the average Joe angry with union? Well, let me try to explain. The unions have continued to do everything possible to protect the American worker. To that end, they fought to prevent the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) from becoming policy in America. The union’s strategy was successful and the vote to make NAFTA/Free Trade Agreement a national policy failed. Corporate America felt that the union had betrayed them by facilitating the failure of the NAFTA policy, and for that the union had to pay. To make the union pay, the private industry embarked upon a campaign to discredit the unions and corporate America has spared no expense in their efforts to discredit the future of the union movement in America.

The American public is fickle, it seems that we have forgotten all that the union has done to improve the life of the American worker. In recent years, unions have worked to keep jobs from being shipped overseas and are working diligently to make the ‘living wage’ the law the land. The union can also be credited for the recent hourly wage increase and passage of the universal health care legislation. Historically, the unions gave the working man dignity and rights. Unions stopped Corporate America from making children work in sweat-shops and sending miners deep into the center of the earth without the appropriate safety equipment. Oh how quickly we forget, not too long-ago (1973) Cristal Lee Sutton, Textile Worker, risked her life and liberty to unionized the Garment and Textile industry and today, the union has save the jobs of teachers in this country.